Power ascender-akumulatorsko gnana vitla za vzpenjanje oseb in tovora.


To revolucionarno baterijsko dvigalo za plezalce na drevesih, ki ga poganja baterija iz akumulatorskega sistema Husqvarna BLi-X 36V, bo spremenilo način, kako arboristi in strokovnjaki za nego dreves delajo na drevesih.

Husqvarna je sodelovala s podjetjem Skylotec, pionirjem na področju inovativnih plezalnih rešitev za profesionalce, da bi razvila električni vzpenjalnik, izdelan posebej za arboriste. S svojo kompaktno velikostjo in visoko zmogljivostjo električni vzpenjalnik omogoča strokovnjakom za drevesa, da se brez truda povzpnejo v krošnjo, da hitro in z lahkoto dosežejo svoje delovno mesto. Ko je delo končano ali če je med drevesi potreben hiter počitek, se lahko zdaj spustite, ne da bi vas skrbelo, kako se boste vrnili gor, kar poenostavi postopek za učinkovitejši in udobnejši delovnik.

Availability: Na voljo za naročilo brez zaloge Šifra: 970 73 58-01 Kategorija:


Husqvarna BLi-X 36V battery system Use the same Husqvarna battery as in your already existing Husqvarna battery chainsaw.
Mid-line attachable The power ascender can be attached quickly and easily anywhere on the rope.
Intuitive controls Simply and ergonomically placed controls. Use the thumb wheel to get up or down to your desired height.
Powered descent Allows precise positioning and smooth descent.
Remote controlled Streamline your work by allowing the ground crew to send chainsaw and gear up and down the tree.
Weatherproof (IP55) Robustly constructed to withstand even the harshest conditions.
Capacity of 400 meters Capacity of 400 meters with the Husqvarna BLi-X 36V battery system.
Speed of 24 meters a min The speed allows you to reach the tree canopy quickly.
Lifts 180 kg Can handle both you, your chainsaw and gear all the way up.
Emergency descent In case of an empty battery or malfunction, the emergency descend button will get you down.
Lightweight and compact With its 7 kg and compact size (232x244x231 mm) the power ascender is easy to transport and handle when working.


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